What is the Hefferlin Foundation?
The Dr. John Hefferlin and Marian Hefferlin Foundation is a nonprofit, grant-giving religious foundation incorporated under the laws of the State of California. The Foundation was created and endowed through the generosity of John and Marian Hefferlin to provide funds to promote the teaching of the Science of Mind philosophy, as formulated by Ernest Holmes, and to advance the growth and expansion of the Science of Mind in the world through Churches, Centers, Teaching Chapters, Focus Ministries, and Ministerial Students that are affiliated with the Centers for Spiritual Living, Golden, CO.
NOTE: If you are not an affiliate of Centers for Spiritual Living, please do not apply for any of the grants.
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Grants are awarded for the following purposes:
Education Committee Grants Include:
- Ministerial Scholarships: Scholarships for ministerial students are available.
- Curriculum Grants are available to support the development of curriculum for Centers for Spiritual Living.
- Conference Support: Conference Support Grants are available to support educational conferences sponsored by groups and centers affiliated with Centers for Spiritual Living.
- Print Media Publishing such as original works, reprint of existing materials and foreign language translations of Science of Mind materials
The Center/Church Grants Committee offers financial support in the following order of priority:
- To provide grants to ministers who are starting new works or are beginning their first Work.
- To help establish new centers/churches of Religious Science / Science of Mind
- To help revitalize existing centers/churches Religious Science / Science of Mind.
Live Streaming Media Committee offers financial support in the following areas:
- Streaming video and audio services for Classroom development
- Digital and streaming equipment for Sunday Services
Youth and Family Program Committee offers financial support for the following areas:
- Leadership and Youth for Training and development of programs
- Travel to and registration of CSL youth events
- Youth and Adult attendance of Youth Camps
The Hefferlin Foundation supports the teaching of the Science of Mind as formulated by Ernest Holmes through projects and ministries of centers/churches affiliated with Centers for Spiritual Living, Golden, CO only. NOTE: If you are not an affiliate of Centers for Spiritual Living, please do not apply for any of the grants.
We welcome your inquiries and interest. Kindly direct your inquiries to the appropriate Committee Chair
Education Committee Chair and Members
Dr. Marilyn Leo (Education Committee Chair)
Send a message to Dr. Marilyn Leo
Dr. Roger Juline (Education Committee Member)
Rev. Dr. Karen Kushner (Education Committee Member)
Center/Church Grants Committee Members
Rev. Dr. Karen Kushner (Center/Church Grants Committee Chair)
Send a message to Rev. Dr. Karen Kushner
Rev. Dr. Suzette Wehunt (Center/Church Grants Committee Member)
Live Streaming Technology Committee Members
Rev. Dr. Suzette Wehunt (Live Streaming Technology Media Committee Chair)
Send a message to Rev. Suzette Wehunt
Rev. Patti Mercado (Media Committee Member)
Youth and Family Program Committee Members
Rev. Patti Mercado (Youth and Family Grants Committee Chair)
Send a message to Rev. Pattie Mercado
Rev. Dr. Michael Kearney (Youth and Family Grants Member)