Information on Live Streaming Technology Grants

The Hefferlin committee considers grant applications for Book Publishing based upon the teaching of Science of Mind and for Live Streaming and Equipment, for electronic and digital equipment. All curriculum materials or distance-learning curriculum are considered education grants handled by the Education Committee


Live Streaming Technology Grants

Before attempting a Live Streaming Application, carefully read The Hefferlin Policy on Live Streaming. Applicants must comply with this policy.


The Hefferlin Policy on Live Streaming

To qualify for a Live Streaming Grant the applicant must demonstrate an awareness of what Live Streaming is, what it can and cannot do, tools already available to accomplish Live Streaming goals and a clear focus on market building and content development.

Hefferlin urges all Live Streaming applicants to test their market before making and application using whatever equipment might be available “in order to develop some initial results which may provide a basis for further development before applying for a Grant.”


To qualify for an application, applicants must:

  • Have an active YouTube Page to Live Stream and the ability to POST Streaming Videos for later Viewing.  Please provide YouTube page Link.
  • Have an active Facebook page to Live Stream, please provide Facebook page link
  • Have an active Instagram page & number of subscribers, who are your avatars or target market,  please provide the Instagram page link.
  • Have a dedicated Internet Connection while streaming, list bandwidth up and down speed.
  • Show attendance of online class growth over last year
  • Identify your team and how they understands the use of Live Streaming equipment to be purchased.
  • Demonstrate how proposed Live Streaming has and will further SOM teaching.
  • Have a Marketing Plan Outline indicating who your audience is, and how many on a regular basis  are receiving a notice weekly.. i.e.  MailChimp, Emails, Instagram, Facebook followers, Hootsuite, Youtube subscriptions, etc.  List all.
  • List requested equipment items individually with prices and an internet link for each item.
  • If this is a CSL Center, list your provider and bandwidth speed (up and down) and the different ways you will be using the media.



  • Media Project grants are considered only after Hefferlin responds to Education Committee Grants, and grants from the Church Grants committee.
  • All electronic media applications including streaming video and audio, distance learning and equipment from churches and centers are considered by the Media Committee only and not Church Grants. Make sure you make your application to Media and not Church Grants.
  • The Foundation accepts applicationsonly from affiliates of Centers for Spiritual Living, Golden, CO.
  • The Foundation does not award grants for the purpose of salaries or equivalents.
  • The Foundation does not presently support the creation of musical CDs.
  • The Foundation does not support general website development unrelated to Science of Mind instruction.
  • Media grants account for a modest portion of the total grants, with individual grants typically under $5000.

The Media Committee prefers to work in partnership with grantees and looks especially favorably on applications that demonstrate fundraising and other sources of support beyond what may be provided by the Hefferlin Foundation. Accordingly, we are willing to consider matching grant possibilities, whereby the grantee raises a dollar amount which is then matched by the Foundation.


Rev. Dr. Suzette Wehunt (Chair of Live Streaming Technology Committee)
Send a message to Rev. Suzette Wehunt